Immigration Evaluations
What is a Psychological Evaluation for Asylum & Extreme Hardship Immigration?
Immigration evaluations are used in immigration cases to help the court determine whether a person can lawfully stay in the United States. They include a comprehensive psychological evaluation as well as recommendations related to the petitioner’s mental wellness. Immigration evaluations can provide evidence of trauma and describe the hardship that would be experienced if a family member were to be deported.
Who needs a Psychological Evaluation?
The emotional component of trauma and stress requires a specific type of evaluation. According to a 2008 study published in the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, asylum cases with psychological evaluations were 89% successful contrasting the 37.5% national average without one.
We offer Immigration Evaluations for:
Hardship Waivers: for a citizen or resident of the United States who applies for a waiver because the deportation of a family member will cause extreme hardship for themselves or their family.
Asylum: for individuals who are seeking asylum from their country of origin due to fear of persecution based on their political beliefs, religious affiliation, ethnic identity, or gender.
Violence against Women Act (VAWA): for undocumented individuals who have experienced abuse by their spouse who is a U.S. Citizen.
U -Visa: for victims of violent crimes in the U.S. who have suffered mental or physical harm and are assisting law enforcement.
T-Visa: for victims of human trafficking (and their immediate family) if they agree to assist law enforcement.